Chess - IsakGallo v KevinCWong
Jan 28 2020
I played this game during a 3+2 (3 min + 2 sec per move) arena tournament. It was my first game of the tournament and after this game I was to stressed to continue. I played black.

IsakGallo (919) v KevinCWong (938) Feb 09 2020 [ PGN ]
1. Nfe d5
2. d4 Nc6
3. Bf4 Bg4
4. Nc3 e6
5. Ne5 Nxe5
Here I thought I can't let him keep a knight there and didn't want to weaken king's-side castle by pushing f pawn.

6. Bxe5 Bd6
Yikes! I left my h rook open for capture but neither of us ever saw it. Instead he focused on my bishop move and we traded bishops.

7. Bxd6 Qxd6
8. f3 Bf5
9. e4 dxe4
10. fxe4 Bg6
11. e5 Qe7
12. Qd2 O-O-O
13. O-O-O f6
After some more moves we both castled queen side and I decided to contest the center. I think I checked time about now. At this point he has 2:27 and I have 1:29 so I knew I had to speed up a bit.

14. exf6 gxf6
15. Nb5 a6
He attacked my a pawn. I moved it up to force his knight back and I was also conscious that if he moved his knight to check me it would trap his knight, and that's what happened so I was up a knight for a pawn.

16. Na7+ Kb8
17. Qe3 Kxa7
18. d5+ Kb8
19. Qb3 exd5
20. Rxd5 Rxd5
20. Rxd5 was a blunder but I was so focused on the enemy rook I missed the checkmate and took his rook. Instead 20...Qe1+ forces him to block with his rook and then I take it with my queen for checkmate.

21. Qxd5 Qe3+
22. Qd2 Qxd2+
23. Kxd2 Ne7
Here I thought I'm fine trading queens since I'm a piece up. He has 1:22 and I have 41 seconds.

24. c3 Rd8+
25. Kc1 Nd5
26. Bc4 Ne3
27. Re1 Nxc4
My pieces were in good position and he had his rook trapped. I used a rook-check to develop my rook and get an extra tempo. We were moving quickly and he left his bishop undefended and suddenly I was two pieces up. He had 1:14 and I had 38 seconds.

28. b3 Ne5
29. Kb2 Nd3+
I was moving fast, thinking I might not have enough time left to win. Then he made a mistake and I forked his king and rook. After I took the rook he resigned a move later.

30. Kc2 Nxe1+
31. Kb2 (resigns)
Other than that early blunder it was my opponent making the mistakes while I tried to just play solid.

IsakGallo (919) v KevinCWong (938) Feb 09 2020 [ PGN ]
1. Nfe d5
2. d4 Nc6
3. Bf4 Bg4
4. Nc3 e6
5. Ne5 Nxe5
Here I thought I can't let him keep a knight there and didn't want to weaken king's-side castle by pushing f pawn.

6. Bxe5 Bd6
Yikes! I left my h rook open for capture but neither of us ever saw it. Instead he focused on my bishop move and we traded bishops.

7. Bxd6 Qxd6
8. f3 Bf5
9. e4 dxe4
10. fxe4 Bg6
11. e5 Qe7
12. Qd2 O-O-O
13. O-O-O f6
After some more moves we both castled queen side and I decided to contest the center. I think I checked time about now. At this point he has 2:27 and I have 1:29 so I knew I had to speed up a bit.

14. exf6 gxf6
15. Nb5 a6
He attacked my a pawn. I moved it up to force his knight back and I was also conscious that if he moved his knight to check me it would trap his knight, and that's what happened so I was up a knight for a pawn.

16. Na7+ Kb8
17. Qe3 Kxa7
18. d5+ Kb8
19. Qb3 exd5
20. Rxd5 Rxd5
20. Rxd5 was a blunder but I was so focused on the enemy rook I missed the checkmate and took his rook. Instead 20...Qe1+ forces him to block with his rook and then I take it with my queen for checkmate.

21. Qxd5 Qe3+
22. Qd2 Qxd2+
23. Kxd2 Ne7
Here I thought I'm fine trading queens since I'm a piece up. He has 1:22 and I have 41 seconds.

24. c3 Rd8+
25. Kc1 Nd5
26. Bc4 Ne3
27. Re1 Nxc4
My pieces were in good position and he had his rook trapped. I used a rook-check to develop my rook and get an extra tempo. We were moving quickly and he left his bishop undefended and suddenly I was two pieces up. He had 1:14 and I had 38 seconds.

28. b3 Ne5
29. Kb2 Nd3+
I was moving fast, thinking I might not have enough time left to win. Then he made a mistake and I forked his king and rook. After I took the rook he resigned a move later.

30. Kc2 Nxe1+
31. Kb2 (resigns)
Other than that early blunder it was my opponent making the mistakes while I tried to just play solid.