Kevin C. Wong

August 2021

Humble Mutant Chronicles Bundle

This is a bundle for Modiphius Entertainments Mutant Chronicles RPG plus a lot of 3D printer files for miniatures. At a glance it feels a bit like Warhammer 40K but constrained to our solar system. The system seems to be dead but has lots of material and three campaign books. This collection seems to be every book product and Modiphius sells much the same PDF collection for $141 on their store. Fairly definite buy.

MUH-50001 Mutant Chronicles Roleplaying Game, 3rd Edition (2015)
MUH-50002 Dark Symmetry Campaign Book (2016)
MUH-50003 Mutant Chronicles Players' Guide (2015)
MUH-50004 Dark Soul Source Book (2016)
MUH-50005 Imperial Source Book (2015)
MUH-50006 Bauhaus Source Book (2016)
MUH-50007 Dark Legion Campaign Book (2016)
MUH-50008 Capitol Source Book (2015)
MUH-50009 The Brotherhood Source Book (2015)
MUH-50010 Mishima Source Book (2015)
MUH-50011 Cybertronic Source Book (2016)
MUH-50012 Whitestar Source Book (2016)
MUH-50013 Luna & Freelancers Guide Book (2016)
MUH-50014 Cartel & Orbitals Source Book (2016)
MUH-50015 Mutants & Heretics Source Book (2016)
MUH-50016 Dark Eden Source Book (2016)
MUH-50017 Venusian Apocalypse Campaign Book (2017)
MUH-50018 Dark Eden Campaign Book (2017)
MUH-50019 Mutant Chronicles 3E for Savage Worlds (2017)
MUH-50041 Mutant Chronicles GM Screen (2016)
MUH-50191 Mutant Chronicles Symmetry Point Card Deck (2016)
MUH-50192 Mutant Chronicles Chronicle Point Card Deck (2016)
MUH-50194 Mutant Chronicles NPC Card Deck (2016)
MUH-50195 Mutant Chronicles Locations Card Deck (2016)
MUH-50501 Mutant Chronicles RPG Quickstart (2016)
MUH-52020 Mutant Chronicles Art Book (2019)
MUH-FREE11 Mutant Chronicles Universal Index (2017)

Character Sheets (also included in MH-50001)
3D Printed Heroes (18 figures)

Diary - Aug 21 to Aug 27 2021

Sat Aug 21 2021

Sleep 0600 to 1130. 30 min nap. (6 hours)

  • Gaming at my place, though we still played Gloomhaven online with Donald. C3 + W3. Dave S is doing a road trip with his kids.

Sun Aug 22 2021

Sleep 0600 to 1015. 1600 to 1900. (7-1/4 hours)

  • So did receive Modern War 55. The magazine has thank you page and says "A special thanks to subscribers for their support is in a separate letter that came with this issue." And that letter is basically options on how to transfer your remaining issues to one of the other two magazines (or get Decipher store credit but certainly no refunds), which is kind of expected when a publisher discontinues a magazine and not a special thanks.
  • I also like that if you check your option and mail back the letter there is no information there about who sent this letter back. I guess you have to scribble in your subscription info somewhere. Actually I was kind of hoping I could login to my subscription account and put in my choices there but web presence is pretty janky: on the surface looks good but the backend is pretty bad.
  • Kind of like our exit from Afghanistan, I don't mind that the magazine is being discontinued but how they're handling current subscribers is a bit of a letdown.

Mon Aug 23 2021

Sleep 0400 to 1200. (8 hours)

  • Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game is finally done and you can buy the pre-release PDF now.
  • HOA meeting: Upon advice from other contractors, we should retain a project manager for the courtyard project because we might not need to redo the whole courtyard. That's good because the first contractor gave us a $700k+ quote which we haven't budgeted at all.

Tue Aug 24 2021

Sleep 0500 to 1200. 45 min nap. (7-3/4 hours)

Wed Aug 25 2021

Sleep 0530 to 1200. (6-1/2 hours)

  • San Mateo City Council of 5 members is currently voted using at large ballots. We're moving to ballot districts which means dividing up the city into five sections and they're doing hearings to hear people's thoughts. Another thing is filling out a Communities of Interest form where citizens can define their community and where it is located so that the council can make a better decision.

Thu Aug 26 2021

Sleep 23:30 to 0330, 0500 to 0900. (8 hours)

Fri Aug 27 2021

Sleep 0215 to 1115. (9 hours)

  • We had a break in and a couple of guys stole some packages and a bicycle. Break-in as in they tried all the doors and found the one that tends to not close correctly.

Bundle of Holding - Delta Green RPG

Delta Green went from CoC supplements to being its own RPG starting in 2018. Bundle of Holding has two bundles, Delta Green RPG bundle and Delta Green Operations bundle. Both of these bundles have been done before so maybe Bundle of Holding is running out of bundles to sell, still repeats are good since it gives me a chance to buy stuff I missed or declined before.

APU-8106 Delta Green Handler's Screen + Need to Know (quick-start and intro scenario) (2016)
APU-8107 Delta Green Agent's Handbook (2016)
APU-8108 Kali Ghati (2017) (adventure module)
APU-8113 Delta Green Handler's Guide (2018)
APU-8115 A Night at the Opera (2018) (6 scenarios)
APU-8117 The Last Equation (2018) (medium adventure)
APU-8118 Sweetness (2018) (short adventure)
APU-8119 A Victim of the Art (2019) (short adventure)
APU-8135 The Complex (2019) (supplement)
APU-8137 Control Group (2019) (4 adventures)
APU-8144 Lover in the Ice (2016) (medium adventure)

Briefing Documents (2016) (5-page rules summary)
Agent Dossiers (2018) (47 different PC creation sheets)
Future Perfect 1-4 (2017-2019) (campaign)

Extraordinary Renditions (anthology)
Tales from Failed Anomalies (anthology)

Unspeakable Oath 22-25 (Pagan Publishing's magazine)
Down in the Delta (novella)
The Way It Went Down (very short stories)
In the Court of the Yellow King (short adventure sequel)

Other Products:

APU-8109 Observer Effect (2016) (scenario)
APU-8110 The Star Chamber (2016) (scenario)
APU-8111 Extremophilia (2017) (adventure)
APU-8112 Music from a Darkened Room (2017) (scenario)
APU-8114 Viscid (2018) (scenario)
APU-8116 Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game (Agent's Handbook, Handler's Guide)
APU-8121 The Labyrinth (2019) (evil organizations)
APU-8122 Evidence Kit: The Labyrinth (2021) (45 handouts)
APU-8138 Ex Oblivione (2019) (scenario)
APU-8139 Hourglass (2020) (scenario)
APU-8140 Black Sites (2020) (8 medium adventures)
APU-8142 PX Poker Night (2020) (scenario)
APU-8142 Jack Frost (2021) (big scenario, duplicate product code)
APU-8145 Impossible Landscapes (2021) (campaign)
APU-8146 Static Protocol (2021) (supplement to Impossible Landscapes)
APU-8147 ARCHINT (2021) (supplement)

I have some of the stuff, and some of it when it was for CoC. Also there is so much stuff not in these bundles. I really like that there are many adventures in these bundles and in the product line in general. To buy or not to buy...

Bundle of Holding - Metamorphosis Alpha 1E

This Bundle of Holding is for Goodman Games reprint of Metamorphosis Alpha 1E (rather than the deluxe collector's edition they put out which had the 1E rules plus a bunch of other stuff). Then to go with that a bunch of products they published for 1E, all small supplements except for Doom on the Warden (51 pages) and Epsilon City (274 pages). Not bad for $30.

TSR-3001 Metamorphosis Alpha 1E

GMG-4392 Referee's Screen (2014) $6
GMG-4393 Epsilon City (2016) $25
GMG-4396 Doom on the Warden (2020) $21
GMG-5201 The Android Underlords (2014) $6

GMG-4392A The Captain's Table (2014) $6
GMG-4392B The Level of the Lost (2015) $6
GMG-4392C Death Ziggurat in Zero-G (2015) $6
GMG-4392D Warden Adventures (2014) $6
GMG-4392F Creatures & Gadgets (2014) $6
GMG-4392G The Mutation Manual (2015) $6
GMG-4392H The Warden Armory (2015) $6
GMG-4392J Book of Handouts (2014) $6

Products not included in the bundle:

GMG-4392E What Are the Prisoners of Rec-Loc-119? (2014)
GMG-4391 Metamorphosis Alpha Deluxe Collector's Edition (2014)
GMG-4392I The Long, Hard Mile (2014)
GMG-4394 Robots Among Us (2015)

Diary - Aug 14 to Aug 20 2021

Sat Aug 14 2021

Sleep 0430 to 1200, 1400 to 1515. (8-3/4 hours)

Sun Aug 15 2021

Sleep 0415 to 1000, 1530 to 1615. (6 hours)

Mon Aug 16 2021

Sleep 0400 to 1230. (8-1/2 hours)

  • The Daily Journal mentioned that former San Diego mayor Kevin Faulconer (R) is the most progressive Republican candidate in the recall election so that's who I'll vote for in case Newsom is recalled.

Tue Aug 17 2021

Sleep 0430 to 1030. 2 hour nap (8 hours)

  • Humble Big Brain Bundle includes BattleTech and XCOM 2 at the $9 tier which is pretty good, though I already have both games. Other than that nothing all that interesting. 5D Chess I've seen streamers play and it's too weird for me. 7 Billion Humans is a sequel to Human Resource Machine, which I played but didn't finish.

Wed Aug 18 2021

Sleep 0645 to 0845, 1000 to 1215, 1400 to 1600. (6-1/4 hours)

Thu Aug 19 2021

Sleep 0200 to 1000. (8 hours)

  • Audio Drama Bundle: Science fiction & Fantasy. Yes, there are audiobooks not made by Audible. Elizabeth Moon's Trading in Danger is a good one and I love Vatta's War pentalogy. Unlike Audible these are audio productions with multiple voice actors. Kind of interesting but not sure I want to get a bunch of "first book in a series".

Fri Aug 20 2021

Sleep 0415 to 1015. (6 hours)

  • Humble Isekai Manga Bundle. I've never found manga all that interesting because it's almost all black and white creator-drawn art.

Bundle of Holding - Doctor Who RPG

Bundle of Holding has two related bundles, which now that I think of it is how they scale it so that it's not a ridiculously low price for a whole bunch of stuff like with Humble Bundle.

Doctor Who RPG
12 Doctors

I heard that Cubicle 7 is working on a Doctor Who RPG 2E and these bundles are the first edition products so I'm hoping these bundles are complete.

CB7-1103 The Time Traveller's Companion (2012) ($20)
CB7-1104 Defending the Earth: The UNIT Sourcebook (2012) ($20)
CB7-1123 All the Strange, Strange Creatures v1 (2016) ($20)
CB7-1121 Doctor Who Gamemaster's Companion (2016) ($20)
CB7-1124 The Silurian Age: Dinosaurs and Spaceships (2016) ($20)
CB7-1125 Doctor who Roleplaying Game (2015) ($30)
CB7-1126 All of Time and Space v1 (2015) ($18)
CB7-1127 Paternoster Investigations (2016) ($20)
CB7-1128 The Black Archive (2017) ($14)

CB7-1105 Doctor Who: The First Doctor Sourcebook (2013) ($20)
CB7-1107 Doctor Who: The Second Doctor Sourcebook (2013) ($20)
CB7-1112 Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Sourcebook (2013) ($20)
CB7-1113 Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Sourcebook (2014) ($20)
CB7-1114 Doctor Who: The Fifth Doctor Sourcebook (2014) ($20)
CB7-1115 Doctor Who: The Sixth Doctor Sourcebook (2014) ($20)
CB7-1116 Doctor Who: The Seventh Doctor Sourcebook (2014) ($20)
CB7-1117 Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Sourcebook (2015) ($20)
CB7-1118 Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Sourcebook (2015) ($20)
CB7-1119 Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Sourcebook (2015) ($20)
CB7-1120 Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Sourcebook (2016) ($20)
CB7-1131 Doctor Who: The Twelth Doctor Sourcebook (2020) ($20)

The following are not included (plus 4 or 5 PDF adventures). So it's a mostly complete collection being offered.

CB7-1100 Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space (10th Doctor) (2009)
CB7-1101 Gamemaster's Screen (2009)
CB7-1102 Aliens and Creatures (2010)
CB7-1109 Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space (11th Doctor) (2012)
CB7-1122 Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space (Limited Edition) (2014)
CB7-1130 Doctor Who Dice (2017)

Humble Bundle 13th Age Software Bundle

Humble 13th Age Bundle is a pretty good price for $25 and includes a lot of short adventures and at least one big campaign. Definite buy.

PEL-13A-01 13th Age (2013) - core rules
PEL-13A-02 13th Age Bestiary (2014)
PEL-13A-04 13 True Ways (2014)
PEL-13A-05 Shadows of Eldolan (2014)
PEL-13A-06 Book of Loot (2014)
PEL-13A-07 Eyes of the Stone Thief (2015)
PEL-13A-08 13th Age Soundtrack (2015)
PEL-13A-10 13th Age Gamemaster Screen and Resource Book (2015)
PEL-13A-14 13th Age Bestiary 2 (2017)
PEL-13A-16 Book of Demons (2018)
PEL-13A-17 Book of Ages (2018)
PEL-13A-18 Loot Harder: A Book of Treasures (2018)
PEL-13A-23 Crown of Axis (2021)

13th Age Quick Start Rules (2021)

You can buy both 13th Age Monthly collections for $50, the below is a subset of articles and each article is $3.

Adventures! (5 articles from 13th Age Monthly)
Characters! (7 articles from 13th Age Monthly)
Monsters! (9 articles from 13th Age Monthly)
Treasure! (3 articles from 13th Age Monthly)

Each of the below is about 45 pages with three short adventures and battle maps.

PEL-13A-11(A-C) The Archmage: Maps and Awesome Adventures (2016)
PEL-13A-11(D-F) The High Druid: Maps and Awesome Adventures (2016)
PEL-13A-11(G-I) Orc Lord: Maps and Awesome Adventures (2016)

Crusader: Maps and Awesome Adventures (2017)
Diabolist: Maps and Awesome Adventures (2017)
The Dwarf King: Maps and Awesome Adventures (2016)
The Elf Queen: Maps and Awesome Adventures (2016)
The Emperor: Maps and Awesome Adventures (2016)
Great Gold Wyrm: Maps and Awesome Adventures (2017)
The Lich King: Maps and Awesome Adventures (2016)
Priestess: Maps and Awesome Adventures (2017)
Prince of Shadows: Maps and Awesome Adventures (2016)
The Three: Maps and Awesome Adventures (2016)

Dragon Empire Map

Diary - Aug 07 to Aug 13 2021

Sat Aug 07 2021

Sleep 0430 to 1100. (6-1/2 hours)

  • Signed up for VaxYes: "VaxYes issues digital vaccine certificates with 4 levels of verification." You enter mobile phone number (to get sms verification for login), birth date, license card image, vax card image, vax type/lot #/shot dates, email address (for notifications when card is ready). HIPAA compliant.
  • You get emails as your card is updated through four levels of verification (level 4 is cross-check request to state). Emails have link to get your digital card which is added to Apple Wallet.
  • Ok, I did end up buying Bundle of Holding - Fate Worlds and Toolkits ($37).

Sun Aug 08 2021

Sleep 0530 to 1030. (5 hours)

  • I love that Apple Arcade you can see all games by release date (so I can try them out in that order) though it's recent items first so I have to scroll down down down.

Mon Aug 09 2021

Sleep 0430 to 1130, 1200 to 1330. Half hour nap. (9 hours)

  • Weighed myself: 242.2 lb. Yikes. That's like 20 pounds gained during COVID-19.

Tue Aug 10 2021

Sleep 1045 to 1415. (3-1/2 hours)

  • Raid Shadow Legends: I had my frame rate limit at 30 fps thinking that conserved power since I don't need high graphics. But someone said the game runs faster at unlimited (on my iPad I only have choice of 60 and 120). Sure enough at 120 fps the game animations are faster and finish sooner whereas before the game had these delays before doing anything and then the animations ran a bit slower (and this was for all UI actions not just battles). Maybe it renders natively at 120 and was sampling down to 30 hence why it was unintuitively slower.

Wed Aug 11 2021

Sleep 0145 to 1015. 1 hour nap. (9-1/2 hours)

  • Watched Ava (2020) again and it's still a good movie. Female-protagonist action movie with maybe a bit more angsty drama since Jessica Chastain is one of the best actresses around.

Thu Aug 12 2021

Sleep 0630 to 1130. 1-1/2 hour nap. (6-1/2 hours)

Fri Aug 13 2021

Sleep 0200 to 0800. (6 hours)

Gavin Newsom Recall Election Ballot

There's a recall election on Governor Newsom. In the Voter Information Guide the Proponent's Statement of Reasons is very Republican extremist views just throwing out a bunch of accusations to appeal to the base. In general I think he handled the pandemic well and that's what you want out of a leader during a crisis (glancing askance at our former President). Naturally I'm voting No.

The second part of the ballot are all the candidates for Governor should Newsom be recalled. Let's take a quick look...

Caitlyn Jenner (Republican) - Won Decathlon Gold in the 1976 Olympics. I guess most famous for being part of the Kardashian clan.

Holly L. Baade (Democrat) - I guess runs a spiritual wellness center of some kind.

Heather Collins (Green Party) - Didn't find a campaign page.

Angelyne (No party preference) - Seems more of an opportunity for self-promotion than taking it seriously. But maybe she is serious.

Jacqueline McGowan (Democrat) - Pro-cannabis candidate.

Jenny Rae Le Roux (Republican) - East-coast educated business woman.

Suffice it to say that none of the candidates look serious. Definitely no professional Democrat is running and of the professional Republicans they're all third-tier and would not be in contention in a real Republican gubernatorial race. F if I know who I'm voting for just in case.

I'm thinking this recall election is a way to siphon some campaign funds from Newsom because he has to defend himself at least a little bit and that means he'll have a little less money next year when we have a real election. Come to think of it, I guess no one serious is running since they'd only be in office a year and would have to immediately start campaigning for the general election next year.

Starfinder Book Bundle

Let's take a look at Humble Bundle's Starfinder bundle. Ignore the $50 level which adds physical items and then you still have to cover shipping. For $30 you get the below PDFs. It's $327.50 (full price at Paizo store) for 1/10th the price which is pretty great. Also it's supplement light (which is fine with me) and adventure heavy (even if the Starfinder Society adventures are sort of scattershot and may not be that independent). The Flip-Mat are also nice.

It's too much of a bargain to pass up. Unless you're the sort of person who'll start buying more to complete their collection, because Paizo puts out a lot of product so it gets kind of pricey. I will buy it since I'm not inclined to buy more unless it's a similar bargain bundle.

PZO-???? Starfinder Beginner Box (2019) $10

PZO-7101 Starfinder Core Rulebook (2017) $10 (own)
PZO-7102 Starfinder GM Screen (2017) $14
PZO-7103 Starfinder Player Character Folio (2017) $7
PZO-7105 Alien Archive (2017) $10
PZO-7107 Starfinder Pact Worlds (2018) $10

PZO-7213 Starfinder #13: Dawn of Flame p1: Fire Starters (2019) - double-sized adventure module ($16)
PZO-7214 Starfinder #14: Dawn of Flame p2: Soldiers of Brass (2019) - double-sized adventure module ($16)
PZO-7215 Starfinder #15: Dawn of Flame p3: Sun Divers (2019) - double-sized adventure module ($16)
PZO-7216 Starfinder #16: Dawn of Flame p4: The Blind City (2019) - double-sized adventure module ($16)
PZO-7217 Starfinder #17: Dawn of Flame p5: Solar Strike (2019) - double-sized adventure module ($16)
PZO-7218 Starfinder #18: Dawn of Flame p6: Assault on Crucible (2019) - double-sized adventure module ($16)

PZO-7301 Flip-Mat: Basic Terrain (2017) ($10.50)
PZO-7302 Flip-Map: Basic Starfield (2017) ($10.50)
PZO-7303 Flip-Mat: Cantina (2017) ($10.50)
PZO-7305 Flip-Mat: Urban Sprawl (2018) ($10.50)
PZO-7306 Flip-Mat: Space Station (2018) ($10.50)
PZO-7308 Flip-Mat: Asteroid (2018) ($10.50)
PZO-7309 Flip-Mat: Ghost Ship (2018) ($10.50)
PZO-7311 Flip-Mat: Jungle World (2019) ($10.50)

PZO-9500-11 First Contact (2017) - Free RPG Day 2017 half-sized adventure module (free)
PZO-9500-13 Skitter Shot (2018) - Free RPG Day 2018 half-sized adventure module (free)
PZO-9500-15 Skitter Crash (2019) - Free RPG Day 2019 half-sized adventure module (free)
PZO-9500-17 Skitter Home (2020) - Free RPG Day 2020 half-sized adventure module (free)

PZO-SFS-9901 Starfinder Society: The First Test (2021) - 2/3rds-size adventure module ($6)
PZO-SFS-9902 Starfinder Society: For the Factions (2021) - adventure module ($6)

PZO-SFS-0103 Starfinder Society: Yesteryear's Truth (2017) - 2/3rds-size adventure module ($6)
PZO-SFS-0109 Starfinder Society: Live Exploration Extreme! (2018) - adventure module ($6)
PZO-SFS-0116 Starfinder Society: Dreaming of the Future (2018) - adventure module ($6)

PZO-SFS-0201 Starfinder Society: Pact World Warriors (2019) - adventure module ($6)
PZO-SFS-0203 Starfinder Society: The Withering World (2019) - adventure module ($6)

PZO-SFS-0401 Starfinder Society: Year of the Data Scourge (2021) - adventure module ($6)

PZO-30061 Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Tech Dungeon (2014) ($10)
PZO-30063 Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Flooded Dungeon (2015) ($10)
PZO-30079 Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Elemental Planes Multi-Pack (2017) ($18)

PZO-SQW-30022 Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Darklands (2009) ($10.50)

Addendum: I ended up buying this pack and my first comment is that the PDF Flip-Mats ware incredibly expensive.

Diary - Jul 31 to Aug 06 2021

Sat Jul 31 2021

Sleep 04:30 to 11:30. (7 hours)

  • $99 Diamond Membership wipes out my remaining Apple Store credit. Since I haven't seen any gift card discounts for 18 months I think that's the end of an era.

Sun Aug 01 2021

Sleep 0630 to 1430. (8 hours)

  • I pay a bit more principal on my mortgage to round to $2k. Next payment I'll be paying less interest than principal.

Mon Aug 02 2021

Sleep 0600 to 1200. (6 hours)

  • Masks required indoors for everyone starting midnight. This is because of COVID-19 Delta variant.

Tue Aug 03 2021

Sleep 2200 to 0100. 0530 to 1000. (7-1/2 hours)

  • One of our new employee benefits is free banking services from Bank of America, which apparently also means they can now cold call me. Mofos.
  • Shannon is working on a new edition of Designers & Dragons. I only started reading volume 1 of the last edition a couple months ago so I gotta get finish reading it and the other three volumes.

Wed Aug 04 2021

Sleep 0600 to 1200. (6 hours)

  • Bundle of Holding - Warlock. Rules light fantasy RPG akin to Fighting Fantasy gamebook rules. Does not seem interesting enough considering it's yet another FRPG.

Thu Aug 05 2021

Sleep 0630 to 1230. 1 hour nap. (7 hours)

Fri Aug 06 2021

Sleep 0330 to 1130. (8 hours)

  • Spire's End: Hildegard. Cool looking choose-your-own-adventure style card game. Was thinking about getting this and the first game in the series but I see they have special KS-only cards which is a turn-off if I'm playing catch-up.

Bundle of Holding - Fate Worlds and Toolkits

Fate Worlds and Toolkits bundle has a lot of stuff although it's mostly sourcebook sort of stuff which I'm less enthused about. Also Fate is rather light for my tastes. But Evil Hat is a cool company and I've played a couple of Fate adventures at DunDraCon and they went well.

Fate Core (pay-what-you-like)
Fate Accelerated (pay-what-you-like)
Fate Condensed (pay-what-you-like)

System Toolkit (pay-what-you-want)
Adversary Toolkit ($8)
Horror Toolkit ($10)
Space Toolkit ($10)
Accessibility Toolkit ($7.50)

Fate of Cthulhu ($20)
Kaiju Incorporated ($10)
Shadow of the Century ($12.50)
Young Centurions ($10)

45 Fate Worlds of Adventure ($188) - this is a series of 40 to 50 page settings books for Fate Core.
Fate Worlds v1: Worlds on Fire ($7.50) - six settings, each about 40-odd pages
Fate Worlds v2: Worlds in Shadow ($7.50) - another six settings

Tachyon Squadron ($12)
Those Who Were Here Before ($3)
Starfighter Academy ($3)
Inside the Dominion of Unity ($3)
Spaceship Construction Toolkit ($5)
Print and Play Spaceship Minis ($2)

It's $37 for everything which is not bad. Since it's almost all setting material this would be more useful if I was into Fate and wanted to adapt other RPG settings and adventures to Fate. I think ultimately I will skip this bundle.

Your Top 5 Albums of the 90's

Idea from an RPGnet thread. I don't really remember the 90's so I go to my Music app and create a playlist of albums from 1990 to 1999. Unfortunately I've reset my play counts so I'm recollecting which albums I played the most.

  • The Corrs: Forgiven, Not Forgotten (1995) - I remember listening to this walking from place to place in Berkeley.
  • Shania Twain: Come On Over (1997) - I played this so much during gaming with friends.
  • Faith Hill: Faith (1998) - It may be that This Kiss got me listening to country music for a few years. Hard to remember.
  • Britney Spears: ...Baby One More Time (1999) - This one I played a lot on driving commutes.
  • A*Teens: The ABBA Generation (1999) - So used to playing this album that when I hear ABBA songs on JoeBruin's stream the song seems like it's playing at 3/4ths speed.

I forgot that Mariah Carey's first album was 1990. I really love Roxette's first album but that was in 1988.

It's kind of crazy that all the albums are second half of the decade but I guess it makes sense. I was really listening to these CDs when I started commuting after moving to Concord (start of 1998?). And back then no MP3 player so it was a CD player that I'd manually change the disc out if it didn't last the hour-long commute (so usually).