Isolated Queens Tournament
Mar 19 2020
Isolated Queens: US Chess Women and Botez Live Host 2K Saturday Swiss
I watched the tournament Saturday morning. 89 women players, many of them streaming on Twitch (required to win one of the prizes). Mostly watched the main commentary on BotezLive and somewhat watched six other channels: Zefcatt, HashtagChess, GoldDustTori, ChelsieMonica, AnnaCramling, Anna_Chess.
Tournament Result
GM Alexandra Kosteniuk (ChessQueen) won, scoring 8/10, even after losing to second place IM Carissa Yip (Magician4MA) (7.5/10). Third place went to WIM Thalia Cervantes (DishonorOnYourCow) (7.5/10). GM Irina Krush (Irochka83) came in fourth (7.5/10) while fifth place was disqualified for fair play (I heard that someone else was playing that account).
Of interest to me:
#6 (7.5) WFM Lile Koridze (LileKoridze) - a Georgian player and relatively new streamer.
#9 (7.0) FM Anna-Maja Kazarian (annamaja7) - a Dutch streamer (AnnaMaja), relatively new.
#14 (6.5) WIM Chelsie Monica Ignesias Sihite (ChelsieMonica) - Indonesian streamer. I was recently promoted to one of her mods on her Twitch channel.
#27 (6.0) WIM Jesse February (QueensCrawl) - South African streamer, half of HashtagChess.
#28 (5.5) WIM Fiona Steil-Antoni (Fiona) - Streamer (Fionchetta) from Luxembourg. Like Anna Rudolf, does a lot of chess commentating for various platforms.
#39 (5.0) IM Anna Rudolf (Anna_Chess) - retired for at least a decade, playing to support the event. Did credibly well including this amazing B+N checkmate.
#47 (5.0) Tori (GoldDustTori) - One of my favorite streamers and only been playing chess for a bit over a year. Did amazingly well.
#50 (4.5) Sara Herman (Zefcat) - Another streamer (Zefcatt) I watch regularly. Stronger than Tori and beat her in a head-to-head in this tournament.
#51 (4.5) WFM Anna Cramling (AnnaCramling) - Swedish streamer, fairly new. Did commentary for the Women's World Championship. She's still getting used to playing bullet and blitz time controls.
#74 (3.0) Naycir (desinformation) - Turkish streamer (Naycir) currently studying in St Louis (Webster University?).
I watched the tournament Saturday morning. 89 women players, many of them streaming on Twitch (required to win one of the prizes). Mostly watched the main commentary on BotezLive and somewhat watched six other channels: Zefcatt, HashtagChess, GoldDustTori, ChelsieMonica, AnnaCramling, Anna_Chess.
Tournament Result
GM Alexandra Kosteniuk (ChessQueen) won, scoring 8/10, even after losing to second place IM Carissa Yip (Magician4MA) (7.5/10). Third place went to WIM Thalia Cervantes (DishonorOnYourCow) (7.5/10). GM Irina Krush (Irochka83) came in fourth (7.5/10) while fifth place was disqualified for fair play (I heard that someone else was playing that account).
Of interest to me:
#6 (7.5) WFM Lile Koridze (LileKoridze) - a Georgian player and relatively new streamer.
#9 (7.0) FM Anna-Maja Kazarian (annamaja7) - a Dutch streamer (AnnaMaja), relatively new.
#14 (6.5) WIM Chelsie Monica Ignesias Sihite (ChelsieMonica) - Indonesian streamer. I was recently promoted to one of her mods on her Twitch channel.
#27 (6.0) WIM Jesse February (QueensCrawl) - South African streamer, half of HashtagChess.
#28 (5.5) WIM Fiona Steil-Antoni (Fiona) - Streamer (Fionchetta) from Luxembourg. Like Anna Rudolf, does a lot of chess commentating for various platforms.
#39 (5.0) IM Anna Rudolf (Anna_Chess) - retired for at least a decade, playing to support the event. Did credibly well including this amazing B+N checkmate.
#47 (5.0) Tori (GoldDustTori) - One of my favorite streamers and only been playing chess for a bit over a year. Did amazingly well.
#50 (4.5) Sara Herman (Zefcat) - Another streamer (Zefcatt) I watch regularly. Stronger than Tori and beat her in a head-to-head in this tournament.
#51 (4.5) WFM Anna Cramling (AnnaCramling) - Swedish streamer, fairly new. Did commentary for the Women's World Championship. She's still getting used to playing bullet and blitz time controls.
#74 (3.0) Naycir (desinformation) - Turkish streamer (Naycir) currently studying in St Louis (Webster University?).