Kevin C. Wong

Diary - Aug 29 to Sep 04 2020

Sat Aug 29 2020

Sleep 05:00 to 12:30. 45 min nap.

  • After a four year break Guns, Dice, Butter wargaming podcast returns. Three episodes since May.

Sun Aug 30 2020

Sleep 06:00 to 16:00.

Mon Aug 31 2020

Sleep 00:30 to 07:00.

  • Linux machine is off so using Desktop Client for a VNC-like session to my remote Linux VM at work. How do I get it to interpret ctrl-click as mouse2? Right now I end up enabling right mouse button on my Magic Mouse 2 but then I'm constantly accidentally right-clicking.

Tue Sep 01 2020

Sleep 00:00 to 04:30.

  • Frustrated with my Magic Mouse 2. Time to look for a regular mouse.

Wed Sep 02 2020

Sleep 03:00 to 06:30. 10:45 to 14:45.

  • Fire alarm went off last night about 01:15 just as I was going to sleep. Fire department came (three trucks) but it was resolved in half an hour. Someone mentioned smoke from an apartment. Maybe someone left something on and it smoked up their place and then they opened the front door to air it out and set off the main fire alarm.

Thu Sep 03 2020

Sleep 01:30 to 03:00. 13:30 to 16:30.

Fri Sep 04 2020

Sleep 01:30 to 06:30. 11:45 to 16:00.

  • Short nap turned to four hour sleep.