Kevin C. Wong

Bundle of Holding - Fudge

Fudge Bundle is up now. I've played FATE Accelerated (which is a simpler version of FATE) and FATE is based on Fudge. FATE Accelerated is definitely a bit too simple for my tastes, though I played a one-shot with a good GM and it went well. I just don't see it as my fave for campaign play as I like fiddly character bits. In any case I've always thought of Fudge as too simple for my tastes though I've been intrigued with Now Playing and apparently that's a heavier variant of Fudge.

GGG-1020 Fudge 10th Anniversary Edition ($17 estimate, 320-page hardcover $35) - not previously available in PDF.

GGG-5001 Terra Incognita ($11 estimate, 114-page softcover $23) - Exploration during the late Victorian Era (late 1800's to early 1900's) in the style of Jules Vernes. Not sure this is available in PDF.

GGG-6001 The Deryni Adventure Game ($20 estimate, 320-page hardcover $40) - also first time in PDF. Based on the Katherine Kurtz series. I've read at least a few of the books (my sister owned them). I'm not sure if this is the one where I read the second trilogy and thought she was retelling the first trilogy with different characters. Doesn't mean the RPG is bad.

AG-PP01 Psi-punk ($20, although more like $10, 192 pages) - a cyberpunk game set in 2096. Has three sourcebooks and an SRD.

AG-SOA01A Survival of the Able ($5, 117-digest page Ashcan) - the Black Death arrives in your Middle Age village, a survival horror game. Ashcan means beta version suitable for playtesting.

DAL-4000 Hack-n-Slash Fantasy Roleplay ($10, 48 pages) - a generic fantasy RPG.

G&B-001 The Orb ($10, 200 pages) - a fantasy rpg set in a world where the gods and their followers are about to war on each other.

CVG-1000 Now Playing ($18, 224-page hardcover $35) - tv show rpg. I think of it as Primetime Adventures in a much bigger book. In both you play characters where the world is a tv show with those tropes.

CVG-0200 The Unexplained ($20, 296-page softcover $30, hardcover $40) - modern-day paranormal investigations.

This bundle the reported prices are farther off than normal.

$121 for $26 which is a good ratio. Problem is I'm not sure I'm interested in any of these games since they're all main books. I'd rather have rules, setting, supplements, adventures in a bundle. I think Now Playing is the only worthwhile one in which case I'll wait for it to go on sale.