Diary - Sep 26 to Oct 02 2020
Oct 03 2020
Sat Sep 26 2020
Sleep 0815 to 1415. (6 hours)
Sun Sep 27 2020
Sleep 0730 to 1215. (4-3/4 hours)
Mon Sep 28 2020
Sleep 0000 to 0530. (5-1/2 hours)
Tue Sep 29 2020
Sleep 0345 to 0845. (5 hours)
Wed Sep 30 2020
Sleep 0815 to 1500. (6-3/4 hours)
Thu Oct 01 2020
Sleep 0100 to 0830. (7-1/2 hours)
Fri Oct 02 2020
Sleep 0415 to 1215. (8 hours)
Sleep 0815 to 1415. (6 hours)
- $8500 AMEX statement. Yikes! I mean I definitely spent that much.
Sun Sep 27 2020
Sleep 0730 to 1215. (4-3/4 hours)
- Nick Mullens leads 49ers win at NY Giants 36-9.
Mon Sep 28 2020
Sleep 0000 to 0530. (5-1/2 hours)
- Now that I'm out of bread crumbs I pan fry chicken thighs without it and now it the skin comes out crunchy and delicious. I've been doing it wrong all these years.
Tue Sep 29 2020
Sleep 0345 to 0845. (5 hours)
- Apparently the first presidential debate went badly because Trump kept interrupting. When it's one candidate's turn to talk why not turn off the other mic?
Wed Sep 30 2020
Sleep 0815 to 1500. (6-3/4 hours)
- In Raid: Shadow Legends they changed the pairings in Arena so now I get lots of easy teams to beat. Before only got to silver tier once or twice so the quest to get 30 silver tier wins was kind of impossible for me.
Thu Oct 01 2020
Sleep 0100 to 0830. (7-1/2 hours)
- President Trump announces he and the First Lady have tested positive for COVID-19.
- I'm afraid he'll recover (best medical care in the world for POTUS) then he'll claim COVID-19 is not a danger to old people.
Fri Oct 02 2020
Sleep 0415 to 1215. (8 hours)
- Safeway shopping about 2030.