Kevin C. Wong

Diary - Oct 17 to Oct 23 2020

Sat Oct 17 2020

Sleep 0515 to 1215. (7 hours)

  • VTT Gloomhaven #4. We started another scenario and did fairly well. Had to save in the last room but it should be an easy win.
  • Trader Joe's for groceries.
  • DDO, we finished Mists of Ravenloft non-raid adventures.

Sun Oct 18 2020

Sleep 0800 to 1345 (5-3/4 hours)

  • 49ers win at home over the Rams. Back to .500 at 3-3.

Mon Oct 19 2020

Sleep 0500 to 1315. (8-1/4 hours)

  • Apple TV+ free year extended three months. This was for everyone.

Tue Oct 20 2020

Sleep 0415 to 0900. (4-3/4 hours)

  • Bundle of Holding Shadow of the Demon Lord + Legacies bundles. When I look at the product list for Shadow there are a lot of small PDF products so there would still be a lot to keep buying after the two bundles. Seems a bit overwhelming so I'll pass.

Wed Oct 21 2020

Sleep 0545 to 1245. (7 hours)

  • After a point update to macOS Catalina 10.15.7 printing stopped working. It doesn't like the commandtohp.filter nor the LaserJet driver. Workaround was to create a new printer definition using Generic PCL Laser Printer. Good enough for basic printing though nothing specific to a LaserJet 1012.

Thu Oct 22 2020
Sleep 0415 to 0900. 1030 to 1500. (9-1/4 hours)

  • Upgraded my iPad to iOS 14.

Fri Oct 23 2020

Sleep 0115 to 0445. 1100 to 1600. (8-1/2 hours)

  • Trader Joe's for groceries. My freezer section was pretty much empty but after two shopping trips to TJ's it's mostly full.