Diary - Oct 24 to Oct 30 2020
Oct 31 2020
Sat Oct 24 2020
Sleep 0530 to 1300. (7-1/2 hours)
Sun Oct 25 2020
Sleep 0715 to 1300. 1930 to 2030. (6-3/4 hours)
Mon Oct 26 2020
Sleep 0400 to 1030. (6-1/2 hours)
Tue Oct 27 2020
Sleep 0315 to 0845. 1 hour noon nap. 2 hour evening nap. (8-1/2 hours)
Wed Oct 28 2020
Sleep 0615 to 1445. (8-1/2 hours)
Thu Oct 29 2020
Sleep 1230 to 1630. (4 hours)
Fri Oct 30 2020
Sleep 2330 to 0230. 0600 to 1330. (10-1/2 hours)
Sleep 0530 to 1300. (7-1/2 hours)
- I've been playing a lot of Into the Breach. Before I said it was a short game but there are 10 different teams each requiring different tactics to win the game so I'm slowly playing them all.
Sun Oct 25 2020
Sleep 0715 to 1300. 1930 to 2030. (6-3/4 hours)
- 49ers win at Patriots 33-6 and now at 4-3 with a game vs Seattle coming up.
- GoldDustTori announced she's retiring from streaming. It's sad but good for her since streaming had stopped being enjoyable.
Mon Oct 26 2020
Sleep 0400 to 1030. (6-1/2 hours)
- Alexandra back after a month-long break. Andrea kept the channel alive and did a good job.
- Got a bunch of work done. Cool.
- Missed October HOA meeting. Forgot.
- Next campaign will combine GURPS WW2 and Twilight 2K, a "what if WW3 started in the latter 1940's" setting.
Tue Oct 27 2020
Sleep 0315 to 0845. 1 hour noon nap. 2 hour evening nap. (8-1/2 hours)
- Eye exam. Mild cataracts in my right eye; could not get it to focus on any letters. Still a ways to go before requiring surgery. Meanwhile the back of my eyes look fine.
- Jeffrey's Hamburgers. My first hamburger since lockdown started in March.
Wed Oct 28 2020
Sleep 0615 to 1445. (8-1/2 hours)
- Last time I was at KFC they were advertising their Thanksgiving turkey meal. But you can't preorder online. I'll almost certainly be home alone and I nice Thanksgiving meal would be nice even if it'll last me a few days.
Thu Oct 29 2020
Sleep 1230 to 1630. (4 hours)
- Hopefully no Trick or Treating because of COVID. Not that we get anybody in my condo building.
Fri Oct 30 2020
Sleep 2330 to 0230. 0600 to 1330. (10-1/2 hours)
- Got KFC. :-)