Diary - Nov 14 to Nov 20 2020
Nov 21 2020
Sat Nov 14 2020
Sleep 0430 to 1330. (9 hours)
Sun Nov 15 2020
Sleep 0515 to 1045. (5-1/2 hours)
Mon Nov 16 2020
Sleep 0300 to 1115. 2000 to 2100. (9-1/4 hours)
Tue Nov 17 2020
Sleep 0645 to 1300. (6-1/4 hours)
Wed Nov 18 2020
Sleep 1200 to 1600. 30 min nap. (4-1/2 hours)
Thu Nov 19 2020
Sleep 0600 to 1130. 1545 to 1645. (6-1/2 hours)
Fri Nov 20 2020
Sleep 0530 to 1315. (7-3/4 hours)
Sleep 0430 to 1330. (9 hours)
- 68" x 44" neoprene map for Columbia Games' EastFront II + WestFront II games. Very tempting. Not sure if I still have those games somewhere...
Sun Nov 15 2020
Sleep 0515 to 1045. (5-1/2 hours)
- Firefox Monitor reported that 123RF had a data breach last March. I did use a unique password which I just changed. A lot of personal data got out too which I can't really do anything about other than be extra careful when a company communicates with me out of the blue.
Mon Nov 16 2020
Sleep 0300 to 1115. 2000 to 2100. (9-1/4 hours)
- Safeway for groceries.
- Night conference call both started late (2330) and ran 2-1/2 hours. Yikes.
Tue Nov 17 2020
Sleep 0645 to 1300. (6-1/4 hours)
- Yes, I still have my Columbia Games here but decided I don't need to spend $150 + shipping on an accessory I'll never use.
Wed Nov 18 2020
Sleep 1200 to 1600. 30 min nap. (4-1/2 hours)
- Backed Thirsty Sword Lesbians RPG on Kickstarer.
Thu Nov 19 2020
Sleep 0600 to 1130. 1545 to 1645. (6-1/2 hours)
- Noble Knight holding their Winter Sale. Ordered 8 old issues of Strategy & Tactics and an old issue of Command magazine for $180. As I've said before, their used game prices are not cheap but they do a good job of cataloging condition and have good customer service.
Fri Nov 20 2020
Sleep 0530 to 1315. (7-3/4 hours)
- Home insurance (including earthquake which about doubles it) is $3400.