Kevin C. Wong

Diary - Jan 09 to Jan 15 2021

Sat Jan 09 2021

Sleep 0515 to 1100. (5-3/4 hours)

  • Going through the maintenance records to find last time I replaced car battery. The Toyota receipts are not very helpful -- too much disorganized data.
  • I've had my car for 14 years so it could be that I replaced batter after seven years and I need to replace it again.

Sun Jan 10 2021

Sleep 0645 to 1300. (6-1/4 hours)

  • With the new cable modem my Xfinity usage meter stopped updating. I guess it was getting data directly from the cable modem? Still, I will monitor my computer's bandwidth usage (that has to be 99% of my usage) and try to stay under cap.

Mon Jan 11 2021

Sleep 0230 to 0730, 0800 to 1230. (9-1/2 hours)

  • We're moving to MS Exchange. macOS supports it natively so I don't think I have anything to worry about.

Tue Jan 12 2021

Sleep 0100 to 0630. 1200 to 1415. (7-3/4 hours)

Wed Jan 13 2021

Sleep 0015 to 0815. 1 hour nap. (9 hours)

  • In preparation for watching episode 2 I'm rewatching The Phantom Menace. Halfway through the film I realize I've never actually seen it before. I'v seen clips in YouTube and read a children's book but there are so many scenes I don't remember watching before.

Thu Jan 14 2021

Sleep 2330 to 0600. 90 min nap. (8 hours)

  • Almost out of milk. Walked to Draeger's but now they close at 20:00 as of Monday and they didn't update their web site. On the way back stopped at Walgreens for milk, orange juice and bathroom tissue. Really tired on the way back. Haven't walked for half an hour since COVID-19 started, I think.

Fri Jan 15 2021

Sleep 0230 to 1330. (11 hours)

  • Walked to Drager's for a few groceries.