Diary - Jan 23 to Jan 29 2021
Jan 30 2021
Sat Jan 23 2021
Sleep 0600 to 1200. (6 hours)
Sun Jan 24 2021
Sleep 0600 to 1200. (6 hours)
Mon Jan 25 2021
Sleep 0530 to 1130. 1 hour nap. (7 hours)
Tue Jan 26 2021
Sleep 0430 to 1200. (7-1/2 hours)
Wed Jan 27 2021
Sleep 0045 to 0745, 90 minute nap. (8-1/2 hours)
Thu Jan 28 2021
Sleep 0130 to 0930. 1 hour nap. (9 hours)
Fri Jan 29 2021
Sleep 0315 to 1115. (8 hours)
Sleep 0600 to 1200. (6 hours)
- Work much of the day.
Sun Jan 24 2021
Sleep 0600 to 1200. (6 hours)
- Worked all day.
Mon Jan 25 2021
Sleep 0530 to 1130. 1 hour nap. (7 hours)
- Lockdown ends today, though San Mateo County is still at Tier 1 (most restrictive).
- A little bit of work then kind of dead and being a zombie
- Safeway for lots of groceries
- Missed HOA meeting. Forgot to put it on my calendar.
Tue Jan 26 2021
Sleep 0430 to 1200. (7-1/2 hours)
- Unpacked my Glorious Model O mouse. The software doesn't work with CrossOver but still usable as a mouse with my Mac.
Wed Jan 27 2021
Sleep 0045 to 0745, 90 minute nap. (8-1/2 hours)
- Started watching Attack of the Clones. The first part I remember watching at my parents' place then I got bored.
Thu Jan 28 2021
Sleep 0130 to 0930. 1 hour nap. (9 hours)
- Banktivity 8 came out three months ago. It is now subscription-based, lowest is $50 per year. But not as bad as usual subscription apps. If you subscribe and cancel you can still use Banktivity "add and edit transactions, accounts, reports and budgets manually with an expired subscription". And with subscription you get Banktivity for macOS, iOS and iPad. I recently paid for App Store Banktivity 7 upgrade (Jun 28 2020) so probably will hold off until Banktivity 9 since they make sure that current Banktivity can import files from last two older versions.
Fri Jan 29 2021
Sleep 0315 to 1115. (8 hours)
- Drove to Zachary's San Ramon for a couple of medium pizzas.