Kevin C. Wong

Diary - Jul 17 to Jul 23 2021

Sat Jul 17 2021

Sleep 0530 to 0830. (3 hours)

  • Apple recently released a MagSafe Battery Pack for your MagSafe compatible iPhone. It's annoying that they don't specify how much charge it holds or how much longer you can run your iPhone with it. Then again I guess they don't tell you how much mAh your iPhone battery holds.

Sun Jul 18 2021

Sleep 0300 to 1000, 1400 to 1600. (9 hours)

Mon Jul 19 2021

Sleep 0100 to 0800, 1200 to 1300. (8 hours)

  • I was wrong, at least regarding wake from sleep Big Sur still has problems recognizing and waking up older monitor... Yup, on startup it recognizes the two external monitors.
  • Also tracking for my Glorious Model O is crazy fast. Since I don't have windows I have to use Mouse control panel but that also affects tracking for my Magic Mouse 2.

Tue Jul 20 2021

Sleep 1400 to 1500, 0730 to 1130. (5 hours)

  • Getting a $5k bonus plus a couple hundred stock options.

Wed Jul 21 2021

Sleep 0100 to 0800. 1 hour nap at dentist. (8 hours)

  • Went to dentist to get a crown on my molar. Almost there for three hours though half of the time was napping while the crown was being made.
  • Accidentally let my MBP battery run down until it went to sleep. On wake the monitors woke up fine but there were these weird graphic artifacts that popped up for a split second, usually when switching monitors or desktops. Had to restart my Mac to fix this.

Thu Jul 22 2021

Sleep 0100 to 0800, 1130 to 1230. (8 hours)

Fri Jul 23 2021

Sleep 0300 to 1100. (8 hours)

  • I've been converting my DVDs to mp4 and adding them to Apple TV app. In the app it shows tv shows as 16x9 images and I've been doing web searches to find suitable images. Ben Dodson wrote this web tool to fetch the artwork Apple uses in their store so that's pretty cool and saves me time.