Kevin C. Wong

Diary - Jan 08 to Jan 14 2022

Sat Jan 08 2022

Sleep 0345 to 1115. 1 hour nap. (8-1/2 hours)

  • Organized my novels book case.

Sun Jan 09 2022

Sleep 0515 to 1200. (6-3/4 hours)

  • Twitch streams ended early so got a chance to take a shower and go grocery shopping.
  • 49ers beat LA Rams (in LA), now 10-7 and in the playoffs.

Mon Jan 10 2022

Sleep 0400 to 1215. (8-1/4 hours)

  • Bought Bundle of Holding Stars Without Numbers bundle.

Tue Jan 11 2022

Sleep 0030 to 0200. 1600 to 1830. (4 hours)

  • Two hour HOA meeting with EV charging participants. I feel for David who was coming into this meeting hoping to get group consensus decision and coming away with a bunch of information he needs to get before people are willing to commit. Meanwhile there is a deadline sometimes this Fall before we lose our subsidies.

Wed Jan 12 2022

Sleep 0315 to 1145. (8-1/2 hours)

  • Now committed to continue Bunnies & Burrows campaign. Session #5 originally scheduled for Mar 21 2020 before lockdown and stuff.

Thu Jan 13 2022

Sleep 0345 to 1145. (8 hours)

  • After a lot of work I wrote up a 5-page GURPS OSR B&B rule summary and character sheet. But after transferring one of the characters over the numbers were still too good and really all I want is to use GURPS 3d6 skill tests. So in the end we have two modifications:
    • Every Trait has a Skill Level = Trait Base + Trait Level.
    • Skill modifier = (6 - DV) * 2. e.g. DV 8 is a -4 modifier

Fri Jan 14 2022

Sleep 0315 to 1115. (8 hours)

  • Received my semimonthly salary $2734 vs $2728 last year. This is after a modest salary raise and increasing my 401k contributions. Looks like I calculated correctly.