Kevin C. Wong

DDO - Partycrashers - Reaper 10


Mark 1 (Entrance) - Meteor Swarm + Shadowblade. Run around. Second MS or SB to finish it off.

Mark 2 (icy Lion room) - Stand on hill on the left. Arcane Storm + Meteor Swarm + Shadowblade + Master Illusionist (95% concealment for 15s). Second MS or SB to finish it off.

If you die then resurrect even close to entrance the lions come after you.

Mark 3 (mushrooms Faery room) - Spike trap which triggers when you pass doorway. Hit guide a couple times (with Master Illusionist for another attack) then Dimension Door to reset. Guides don't snap back though some guides will run back when they lose aggro.

Don't DD in the room since it's too close to quest entrance and won't break Reaper/Guard aggro.

If there's a Reaper sometimes pathing gets it stuck to the corner of doorway as you retreat. DD and wait a bit might get it to return back to it's start.

With faeries hit with SB (or Phantasmal Killer since it's instant -- the faeries move fast) then SB faeries as they meander toward you. DD as needed.

Second set of faeries appear when Mark is attacked.

(Forgot about DD cooldown and attacked too soon.)

Mark 4 (spikes and illusionary marks) - Probably best to destroy mark before you go through doorway, then destroy the first duplicate mark.

Initial mark is too far away for Shadowblade and Meteor Swarm hits the ceiling. Too bad I don't carry a bow.

Mark 5 (Scorpion) - For guide you can retreat then jump from ledge to top mushroom and avoid him (he has an occasional ranged attack). For scorpion DD then MS once. Twice if you have MI ready.

Mark 6-9 (Giant) - You can dash in and out of doorway sniping giant but eventually wrong move and he kills you with one hit. He's also immune to fire so takes forever to kill.

With Master Illusionist you have 15s of near immunity (giant can still knock you down). Enough to rush to a mark and MS it once then get back through the doorway to safety. Do have to be careful if a Reaper spawns and teleports to you once you're "safe". Also some marks have weird walls around them -- sometimes you can MS them from a distance and sometimes it totally does nothing.

Maybe that doesn't work. Looks like Illusionary Wolf cold breath ignores Concealment. Protection from Elements + Fire Shield.

Oops. Destroying the marks does not kill the giant.

Double oops. You have to kill the giant to unbar the exit door. So strategy of going after marks first is unwise.

If you have to go after the giant first I think it's better at the entrance so that it doesn't heal from marks and you don't activate mobs.

Even at the entrance giant heals slowly (or I guess the healing from marks covers the whole room). Arcane Storm every 30s still does more damage but it is slow.

Huh. I don't need to step out. Usually I like the giant on the left side then I dart out on the right side and Arcane Storm. But it looks like maybe I only need like a hand through the portal to cast.

2 hours to kill the giant...


Once you're in the party the first three optionals are easy since I can one-shot the two disguised Tieflings and convincing the guards to leave is also easy. The private rooms are rough because the Tieflings snap back just outside the area so you can't run them around (I did run around two Reapers).

I ended up opening the shrine room then using that as a base. Go out and maybe kill a guy or at least do some damage then die. Since I'm in the area little snap back.

But got unlucky. Light Bearer (Deathblock) Malefic Seer could heal faster than I could revive and hit her. There was also a Light Bearer knife fighter who kept hiding so hard to find and kill and probably would heal faster than I could kill him.

A good effort. Possibly can do private rooms if healer's don't have Deathblock.


Did another run. Very good start because I didn't push and try to hit anybody twice before DD'ing away. Got to the giant with no deaths. Steady Arcane Tempest on the giant until he died. I did try Iceberg since the giant is vulnerable to cold. On a no-save crit it was 2k damage which but more like 600 and Arcane Tempest because of my bonuses was more like 1k damage. But useful get more dps since he's constantly regenerating hp.

In the private rooms I did a lot of go in kill one or two then DD out (was not doing that before because it takes two or three minutes to run back each time). This way I did kill a Malefic Seer (Arboreian) because he'll attack first and then if you DD out he goes inert and so never tries to heal himself.

There was also a champion knife thrower at the end who was concealed. But once I got him in a place in the first hallway from the entrance I could edge up, DD, Meteor Swarm then step through DD so he was always where I expected him to be.