Diary - Sep 03 to Sep 09 2022
Sep 10 2022
Sat Sep 03 2022
Sleep 0330 to 1330. (10 hours)
Sun Sep 04 2022
Sleep 0515 to 1230. (7-1/4 hours)
Mon Sep 05 2022
Sleep 0930 to 1230. (3 hours)
Tue Sep 06 2022
Sleep 2230 to 0500. (6-1/2 hours)
Wed Sep 07 2022
Sleep About an hour. 1215 to 1815. (7 hours)
Thu Sep 08 2022
Sleep 0700 to 1400. (7 hours)
Fri Sep 09 2022
Sleep 2230 to 0400. (5-1/2 hours)
Sleep 0330 to 1330. (10 hours)
- Lately I've been using VIDL because 4K Video Downloader has ben a CPU hog. Thought maybe it was slow because of the GPU issue. But no, it still uses 600% CPU and it's the application itself using it.
Sun Sep 04 2022
Sleep 0515 to 1230. (7-1/4 hours)
- California Flex Alert started Wednesday and goes through Monday at least because of a heat wave during Labor Day weekend.
- DunDraCon 46 registration starts Nov 01. Maybe I'll go this time.
Mon Sep 05 2022
Sleep 0930 to 1230. (3 hours)
- Couldn't sleep last night. Sigh.
- MBP getting slower and slower. Today pretty much could only watch one Twitch stream (with only main monitor connected) and if I did other things like the browse the web kernel_task would go crazy. Tried to reset SMC yesterday and it didn't seem to work but turns out Intel Macs with a T2 have a different procedure.
- Tried it just now and with three monitors seems ok again.
- 3 monitors + one Twitch + DDO is too much. Two monitors + one Twitch + DDO seems ok.
- No, that also slows down after a bit. Guess resetting SMC didn't really help though it's not as bad as yesterday.
Tue Sep 06 2022
Sleep 2230 to 0500. (6-1/2 hours)
- Let's try this again. Reset SMC using OS X Daily process. Once again after restart everything is fast. Will try three monitors, multiple Twitch views, no CrossOver DDO and see if things work ok.
- Was running just fine with two Twitch views. Then after an hour tried a third view and kernel_task spiked and now it's slow even after closing the extra Twitch window.
- Slower and slower so that didn't work. Not sure if reinstalling OS will help but that's a lot of work so don't want to commit to it yet.
- Yesterday was hot enough that it was fairly warm in my apartment. Today it's already 81F (high will be 90F) and also quite warm n my apartment.
- I remembered I had a fan that I left in the HOA office. Got it tonight and it's helping a lot.
Wed Sep 07 2022
Sleep About an hour. 1215 to 1815. (7 hours)
- Kooma I guess collapsed and had to go to the hospital. Apparently one of the valves in her heart stopped working. Dad went to Peru on Sunday. He said she's still at the hospital for another three days; heart working at 30% which means she'll have to live in a 24/7 assisted care facility.
- I was thinking today is not so bad. Last couple of days were very warm but today doesn't seem so. Looking at the history it was Sun 87F, Mon 96F, Tue 97F, today 86F. So that 10 degrees was difference between "feels fine" to "I'm hot".
Thu Sep 08 2022
Sleep 0700 to 1400. (7 hours)
- Today's high is projected to be 99F.
- After a reboot everything is fast, which I guess is to be expected. Then after opening up enough apps and doing stuff it gets slow, which again can be expected but it slows down sooner than it used to. So maybe there old background processes and stuff messing up the system and therefore a clean reinstall would help.
Fri Sep 09 2022
Sleep 2230 to 0400. (5-1/2 hours)
- Airpods Max automatically switches audio between iOS devices when you "focus" on the other device, which kind of means when audio starts on another device if audio doesn't start then audio keeps playing from old device. So I can listen to Twitch on one device while playing games or read on another device.
- But it fails when I try to watch Twitch on two devices. Start second Twitch, audio switches and first Twitch pauses. Unpause first Twitch, audio switches and second Twitch pauses. I had to turn off Bluetooth so I could play two Twitch channels.