Kevin C. Wong

DDO - Detour / Old Tomb, New Tenants - Reaper 10


Solo: Failed

Dimension Door tactic works but since the map is a very long path it gets tedious towards the end. The bad guys are in a smallish room with respawns (I think if you kill any of the three trash guys there will be a replacement in a bit). You can station a healer at the entrance and he should be safe since respawns appear at the bottom of the ramp.

Unfortunately both Dom and Slam heal a bit. Once they got below half I couldn't do damage, die, resurrect, then do more damage fast enough. Dimension Door also doesn't work because they stay active on the NPC (normally I'd hit and DD which inactivates monsters and so they don't have time to cast healing).

Old Tomb, New Tenants

1st try, Solo: failed

This one is not too bad. Yuan-Ti are Phantasmal Killable most of the time. It's annoying that they hide but they're not fast, though they do shoot a lot and the shamans do Flame Strike.

In the big room with archers on the left and right on ledges there are two switches. I had Frogo pull each lever and he didn't activate the defenders so that was nice.

Final boss I had to shoot once and Dimension Door then repeat because if she starts running around she sometimes falls off the platform into the water and resets.

The treasure room is small with pirates and they got close to the water entrance so when I tried to climb up into the room they'd immediately kill me. Next time I need to keep them on the far side and die there then I might be able to have a hireling down the well resurrect me (though the well is rather deep).

2nd try:

Solo [Deep Gnome Wizard] (L31 R10 D18), no optionals, 3-1/2 hours

For the treasure room I ended up:

1. die in the room
2. swim down to healer and have resurrect cast on me
3. wait for bounce back to my crystal
4. target bad guy, resurrect, meteor swarm, master illusionist, meteor swarm, die