Bunnies & Burrows 3E to GURPS 4E (v4)
Jan 19 2023
Yet another draft of doing a GURPS 4E Bunnies and Burrows. This time we're converting the existing Bunnies and Burrows 3E characters to GURPS 4E.
ST = B&B Strength (Base)
HT = B&B Constitution (Base)
DX = B&B (Speed (Base) + Agility (Base)) / 2, round even
IQ = B&B (Intelligence (Base) + Mysticism (Base)) / 2, round even
Taste and Smell = B&B Smell (Base)
Charisma = B&B Charisma (Base) - IQ
- if positive then this Charisma advantage
- if negative then this is Uncharismatic disadvantage, which is the opposite effect
Basic Speed = (DX + HT)/2 as per GURPS 3E B&B
B&B traits convert to average skills with defaults at attribute+0:
Strength (ST/A, Default ST)
Speed (DX/A, Default DX)
Intelligence (IQ/A, Default IQ)
Agility (DX/A, Default DX)
Constitution (HT/A, Default HT)
Mysticism (IQ/A, Default IQ)
Smell (Taste and Smell/A, Default Taste and Smell)
Charisma (IQ/A, Default IQ, Influence skill)
Any B&B AP spent to increase levels convert to GURPS XP.
B&B professions convert to average skills which default to the trait-1.
This is so that a PC only has to improve the trait to become more proficient
in their profession.
Special abilities are done at +0 or -3/-6 if the ability is unlocked at
level 3 or 6. For abilities without a roll they are instead unlocked at
skill level 13 and 16.
Each character can only have one profession skill.
Fighter (ST/A, Default Strength-1)
Runner (DX/A, Default Speed-1)
Scout (IQ/A, Default Intelligence-1)
Maverick (DX/A, Default Agility-1)
Empath (HT/A, Default Constitution-1)
Seer (IQ/A, Default Mysticism-1)
- Luck uses = Seer skill roll MoS+1, or 0 if skill roll fails
Herbalist (Taste and Smell/A, Default Taste and Smell-1)
Storyteller (IQ/A, Default Charisma-1, Influence skill)
Bandit (ST/A, Default Strength-1)
Herald (DX/A, Default Speed-1)
Spy (IQ/A, Default Intelligence-1)
Burglar (DX/A, Default Agility-1)
Guardian (HT/A, Default Constitution-1)
Shaman (IQ/A, Default Mysticism-1)
Trader (Taste and Smell/A, Default Taste and Smell-1)
Grifter (IQ/A, Default Charisma-1, Influence skill)
For the most part numbers that derived from:
- Attribute Base are now Attribute/Profession skill divided by 8.
- Attribute Rating are now Attribute/Profession skill divided by 4.
Own Language is Language (Spoken, Native)
Other Languages are Language (Spoken, Accented)
Languages do not have Written component.
ST = B&B Strength (Base)
HT = B&B Constitution (Base)
DX = B&B (Speed (Base) + Agility (Base)) / 2, round even
IQ = B&B (Intelligence (Base) + Mysticism (Base)) / 2, round even
Taste and Smell = B&B Smell (Base)
Charisma = B&B Charisma (Base) - IQ
- if positive then this Charisma advantage
- if negative then this is Uncharismatic disadvantage, which is the opposite effect
Basic Speed = (DX + HT)/2 as per GURPS 3E B&B
B&B traits convert to average skills with defaults at attribute+0:
Strength (ST/A, Default ST)
Speed (DX/A, Default DX)
Intelligence (IQ/A, Default IQ)
Agility (DX/A, Default DX)
Constitution (HT/A, Default HT)
Mysticism (IQ/A, Default IQ)
Smell (Taste and Smell/A, Default Taste and Smell)
Charisma (IQ/A, Default IQ, Influence skill)
Any B&B AP spent to increase levels convert to GURPS XP.
B&B professions convert to average skills which default to the trait-1.
This is so that a PC only has to improve the trait to become more proficient
in their profession.
Special abilities are done at +0 or -3/-6 if the ability is unlocked at
level 3 or 6. For abilities without a roll they are instead unlocked at
skill level 13 and 16.
Each character can only have one profession skill.
Fighter (ST/A, Default Strength-1)
Runner (DX/A, Default Speed-1)
Scout (IQ/A, Default Intelligence-1)
Maverick (DX/A, Default Agility-1)
Empath (HT/A, Default Constitution-1)
Seer (IQ/A, Default Mysticism-1)
- Luck uses = Seer skill roll MoS+1, or 0 if skill roll fails
Herbalist (Taste and Smell/A, Default Taste and Smell-1)
Storyteller (IQ/A, Default Charisma-1, Influence skill)
Bandit (ST/A, Default Strength-1)
Herald (DX/A, Default Speed-1)
Spy (IQ/A, Default Intelligence-1)
Burglar (DX/A, Default Agility-1)
Guardian (HT/A, Default Constitution-1)
Shaman (IQ/A, Default Mysticism-1)
Trader (Taste and Smell/A, Default Taste and Smell-1)
Grifter (IQ/A, Default Charisma-1, Influence skill)
For the most part numbers that derived from:
- Attribute Base are now Attribute/Profession skill divided by 8.
- Attribute Rating are now Attribute/Profession skill divided by 4.
Own Language is Language (Spoken, Native)
Other Languages are Language (Spoken, Accented)
Languages do not have Written component.