Kevin C. Wong

Diary - Mar 11 to Mar 17 2023

Sat Mar 11 2023

Sleep 0245 to 1115. (8-1/2 hours)

  • After the GM's Day Sale I have two BECMI D&D products left to get: DMR1 DM Screen (with Escape from Thunder Rift) and AC5 PC Record Sheets (covering B/E/C sets).

Sun Mar 12 2023

Sleep 0500 to 1300. (8 hours)

  • Rewatched Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Director's Cut). It grows on me. It's like a classic science fiction novel plot about humans exploring an immense alien artifact, which is great for reading but unfortunately does not make for an exciting movie.

Mon Mar 13 2023

Sleep 0430 to 1230. (8 hours)

  • Updated Certbot (took a bit of effort because I have an old OS and HomeBrew doesn't support it so it's use it at your own risk) and want it to automatically renew my ssl certificate. But just realized there is a manual step to add certificate to web server. Hmm.

Tue Mar 14 2023

Sleep 0730 to 1330. (6 hours)

  • Rewatched Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. Forgot how much Act One foreshadows what's going to happen later. Also paid more attention to Kirstie Alley's portrayal of Saavik. At the time it seemed rather un-Vulcan-like but seeing her as half-Romulan half-Vulcan (which is not in the movie but I think maybe in the script) and it's a pretty good characterization.

Wed Mar 15 2023

Sleep 0400 to 1230. (8-1/2 hours)

Thu Mar 16 2023

Sleep 0430 to 0800. 1 hour nap. (4-1/2 hours)

  • Dinner at C3's.
  • Arkham board game. We redid the second scenario and did much better, knocking out four of six villains (anyone we didn't knock out we'd face in the third scenario).

Fri Mar 17 2023

Sleep 0130 to 1030. (9 hours)

  • Decided to quit Raid: Shadow Legends while I was taking a shower. Cold turkey now and early next week if I'm still good I'll tell my clan leader I'm taking a break.
  • Earliest journal entry for RSL is Apr 2020. Probably started a month or two before that so it's been three years playing the game.