Kevin C. Wong

Diary - Apr 01 to Apr 07 2023

Sat Apr 01 2023

Sleep 0400 to 1230. (8-1/2 hours)

  • Wiped out my Mac mini and net installed macOS 12 Monterey which is the latest supported. Then installed homebrew and used it to install Apache2, certbot, postgres 15, node 16. Then installed Wiki.js. Took a few hours to figure out basic SSL setup on Apache and a bit of postgres administration using pgAdmin to get it to work with Wiki.js.

Sun Apr 02 2023

Sleep 0330 to 0730. 1130 to 1500. (7-1/2 hours)

  • Wiki.js is kind of cool and the integration is nice. I can do janky hex maps but good enough to show the area for players to visualize and I can edit the map later. Too bad diagrams are only available in Markdown pages while tables are only available in Visual Editor pages and when you create a page you set the editor. Well you can Convert a page to another editor but may lose formatting.
  • In contrast RapidWeaver editors don't do tables so I have to use ASCII tables in html "pre" blocks to make sure they're monospaced.

Mon Apr 03 2023

Sleep 0400 to 1230. (8-1/2 hours)

  • Actually, Markdown page supports tables but you use vertical bars to separate columns (rows are already separated by line breaks). Dashes to separate header rows.
  • Wiki.js default search only searches page titles. For contents you have to (1) enable pg_trgm in the database then (2) tell Wiki.js to use the postgres search engine. Still not amazingly great in that you type words and it shows you pages where those words exist but no context. I think macOS wiki server search was about the same so can't really complain.

Tue Apr 04 2023

Sleep 1145 to 1645. (5 hours)

  • Wiki.js: I noticed that after I moved a page the link on another page broke. I guess it saves the link as a relative path not a "doc id" or something that would survive moving pages around.

Wed Apr 05 2023

Sleep 0300 to 1215. (9-1/4 hours)

  • Trying to create a Ringtone using these instructions: Add Ringtones to an iPhone. Assuming you have a song and want the first 30 seconds as a ringtone you follow instructions for Method 3: Creating iPhone Ringtones with GarageBand except skip step 7 (Trim the track), which in any case is surprisingly hard to do on a small iPhone UI. Subsequently in Step 12 to create the ringtone it'll warn that song is too long and will automatically trim to 30 seconds.

Thu Apr 06 2023

Sleep 0530 to 1330. (8 hours)

Fri Apr 07 2023

Sleep 0330 to 0530. 1400 to 1600. (4 hours)

  • Holy Frick. On iOS and iPad OS the Apple TV app has a setting to turn off sports scores in preview images. (Settings -> TV -> Show Sports Scores). Game changer as I can now watch Friday Night Baseball games later in the week without the ending being spoiled (or worse yet going to catch a game that started half an hour ago and seeing the score is already 5-nothing). Unfortunately no such setting on macOS TV app.
  • One thing I hate is that if you start to watch the live stream from the beginning when the broadcast ends your video also stops. You have to out and back and watch the regular video which doesn't remember your las