Kevin C. Wong

Diary - May 20 to May 26 2023

Sat May 20 2023

Sleep 0315 to 1130. (8-1/4 hours)

  • Gaming though we didn't end up doing anything. CJr and Corina got held up and by the time they were free it was dinner.
  • We went to dinner at Joy Sushi.

Sun May 21 2023

Sleep 0330 to 0830. 30 min nap. (5-1/2 hours)

  • Visit parents. Feeling pressure to look for a job.

Mon May 22 2023

Sleep 0330 to 1130. (8 hours)

Tue May 23 2023

Sleep 0230 to 0945. (7-1/4 hours)

Wed May 24 2023

Sleep 0230 to 1130. (9 hours)

  • Christopher is busy tonight so I'm skipping visiting for dinner and will get KFC instead.
  • Been binging on Madam Secretary. Was early in season three and now did like 8 episodes yesterday and another 8 today. It's very watchable.

Thu May 25 2023

Sleep 0345 to 0945. (6 hours)

  • Left foot a bit sore today. Probably will be worse tomorrow.

Fri May 26 2023

Sleep 0300 to 1145, 1 hour nap. (9-3/4 hours)

  • Foot hurts quite a bit now. This time it's more like the big toe and the muscles support it are inflamed and sore instead of the whole foot swelling up a bit like before.
  • Girl by Moonlight RPG, crowdfunded on Backerkit which is trying to break into that market.