Kevin C. Wong

Root the Roleplaying Game Bundle

Root RPG Bundle is based on the fantasy board/wargame of rival animal clans. The RPG is Apocalypse Engine which is unfortunate. But the world concept is interesting. For a flat $15 you get:

Root: The Roleplaying Game Core Book ($25 PDF)
Travelers & Outsiders ($20 PDF) - material from the board game expansions
Clearing Booklet ($10 PDF) - four clearings (i.e. play sets)

Root: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game Quickstart (free PDF)
Root: Pellenicky Glade Quickstart (free PDF)
Root: Bertram's Cove Quickstart (free PDF)
Root: Talon Hill Quickstart (free PDF)

This is all currently released products. I think I'll buy it.