Kevin C. Wong

The Midderlands Bundle

Bundle of Holding's The Midderlands is a Swords & Wizardry (OD&D retro-clone) campaign setting: "the Midderlands setting is a green-hued, dark-fantasy, late-Middle Ages, early-Renaissance land based on Glynn's home in the United Kingdom, the Midlands. Many Midderlands locations are grounded in reality, others pure fantasy from the designer's fevered imagination."

Starter ($15)

The Midderlands ($20)
The Midderlands Expanded ($20)
City of Great Lunden ($20

Bonus (+$16)

Adventures in Great Lunden ($15) - 198 page book with seven adventures
Fighting Folk of the Haven Isles ($19) - generic supplement, non-Midderlands
Folk Magic of the Haven Isles ($8)
Bats of Saint Abbans ($11) - 155 page book with an adventure for levels 1-3
Chewer of Fingers ($8) - 26-page introductory adventure
Behind the Walls ($6) - 48-page low-level adventure
Midderlands Rivers and Lakes ($3)

Although a good amount of adventures the setting is not that inspiring. I guess I'd rather playing in Hârn which seems to be about an equivalent sort of medieval British setting.