Kevin C. Wong

Monthly Expenses

Before looking for a job what salary do I need to support my current lifestyle?

Mortgage $1646
Property Tax $1022
Home/Car Insurance $538
HOA $752
Total $3958

PG&E $90
Sonic $75
Ooma $7
Mint $17
Apple One $20
Twitch $15
Apple Loan $23
Groceries $299
Total $546

Grand Total $4504

Per Year Minimum = $54,048
Salary = $83,151 per year / $6929 per month (with 35% taxes reduces per year minimum)

Things not included: car expenses (gas and maintenance), health insurance (for the most part included with job).

The above is no leisure spending. My usual has been $1k per month for everything else which would make salary $101,612 per year / $8468 per month.