Kevin C. Wong

Axes and Anvils; Relics; Good Society bundles

Bundle of Holding has three bundles maybe interesting...

Axes and Anvils ($10) Collaborate RPG where players create a dwarf clan then they have characters that go on adventures. This bundle is the core book, GM book, and two decks to generate dwarves and stories.

Relics ($15) Angels and demons awakening in the modern world. This bundle has the core book, small Las Vegas supplement, an adventure, small book of magic items, and a tarot deck (the game uses the tarot deck as main mechanic).

Good Society ($18) RPG set in a Jane Austen-like world where society and social standing are the main goals. Core book, three variant books that expand the game to adjacent genres, nine playsets. Seems like a freeform storytelling sort of game.

None of the three are all that interesting.