DDC 47 Schedule
Feb 08 2024
Friday game 1, primary and alternate games
Fri 1200-1800 P05 50th Anniversary of D&D (OD&D, Room 138)
Fri 1400-1800 P18 Ghost Herd in the Sky (SWADE Deadlands, Room 236)
Fri 1200-1600 P52 WWII Dogfights: Zerstorers Above Norway (Miniatures, Hall of Cities)
Fri 1800 Checkin? (or CSr can do it)
Fri 1800-2000 Dinner
Sat 1100-1200 Brunch
Sat 1200-1330 Seminar (Sequoia) - 50 Years of Dungeons & Dragons
Sat 1400-1800 D&D campaign session #9
Sat 1800-2000 Dinner
Sat 2000-0000 Rainbow
Sun 1000-1200 War College (Monterey Room) - Update on the Continuing War in Ukraine (Professor James Armstead and Doctor Michael Baker)
Sun 1200-1300 Lunch
Sun 1300-1400 Visit Dealer Room
Sunday game 2, primary and alternate games
Sun 1400-1800 603 The Lightless Beacon (CoC 7E, Room 146)
Sun 1300-1700 652 American War of Independence-The Battle of Butternut Creek (Miniatures, Hall of Cities table 16)
Sun 1300-1600 633 Traveller CCG Gunslinger Event (Traveller CCG, Sedona table 16)
Sun 1800-2000 Dinner
Mon 0800-1000 Breakfast
Mon 1000-1200 Last chance to visit Dealer Room
Fri 1200-1800 P05 50th Anniversary of D&D (OD&D, Room 138)
Fri 1400-1800 P18 Ghost Herd in the Sky (SWADE Deadlands, Room 236)
Fri 1200-1600 P52 WWII Dogfights: Zerstorers Above Norway (Miniatures, Hall of Cities)
Fri 1800 Checkin? (or CSr can do it)
Fri 1800-2000 Dinner
Sat 1100-1200 Brunch
Sat 1200-1330 Seminar (Sequoia) - 50 Years of Dungeons & Dragons
Sat 1400-1800 D&D campaign session #9
Sat 1800-2000 Dinner
Sat 2000-0000 Rainbow
Sun 1000-1200 War College (Monterey Room) - Update on the Continuing War in Ukraine (Professor James Armstead and Doctor Michael Baker)
Sun 1200-1300 Lunch
Sun 1300-1400 Visit Dealer Room
Sunday game 2, primary and alternate games
Sun 1400-1800 603 The Lightless Beacon (CoC 7E, Room 146)
Sun 1300-1700 652 American War of Independence-The Battle of Butternut Creek (Miniatures, Hall of Cities table 16)
Sun 1300-1600 633 Traveller CCG Gunslinger Event (Traveller CCG, Sedona table 16)
Sun 1800-2000 Dinner
Mon 0800-1000 Breakfast
Mon 1000-1200 Last chance to visit Dealer Room