Kevin C. Wong

13th Age Mega Bundle

Bundle of Holding's 13th Age Mega Bundle is mostly a repeat from the Humble Bundle one I bought.

Already Own

13th Age Core Book
13 True Ways
13th Age Bestiary
13th Age Bestiary 2
Book of Loot
Loot Harder
Book of Ages
Crown of Axis
13th Age GM Screen and Resource Book

Book of Demons
Eyes of the Stone Thief
Shadows of Eldolan

High Magic & Low Cunning - reprints of 5 small supplements I have
The Crown Commands - reprints of s4 mall supplements I have
Fire & Faith - reprints of 4 small supplements I have

Don't Own

Book of the Underworld ($13) - sourcebook
Shards of the Broken Sky ($21) - 232-page sandbox campaign
Elven Towers ($17) - 120-page adventure book
Diamonds and Shadows ($14) - 171-page campaign

I'd have to get the bonus collection for $40+ for four books that retail $65. I guess I'll skip this one.