Kevin C. Wong

Diary - May 25 to May 31 2024

Sat May 25 2024

Sleep 0330 to 1100., 45m nap. (8-1/4 hours)

  • Didn't realize this before: my building doesn't have any x13 units so no 113, 213, 313 units. We skipped over those numbers.

Sun May 26 2024

Sleep 0700 to 1300 (6 hours)

  • Got an Amazon email asking me to link my Amazon Rewards credit card to Amazon. Doing so would give Amazon access to those credit card statements so they would get my purchasing data with that credit card. No thanks since the benefits -- I can view my credit card statements from Amazon and pay my credit card bills from Amazon, which would also mean linking my bank info to Amazon -- don't seem worth it.

Mon May 27 2024

Sleep 0115 to 0700, 1:45 nap (7-1/2 hours)

  • I listened to a review for B10 Night's Dark Terror (levels 2-4) and now I want to run that next. On the positive side it's sort of the logical next module after B2 because it's relatively close to the Keep on the Borderlands and is meant to transition players to Expert Set and outdoor adventures.

Tue May 28 2024

Sleep 2245 to 0300, 0730 to 1130 (8-1/4 hours)

  • Got my EVCS doc signed and notarized. A+ Mailboxes is not in a great place because their front and side parking gets blocked by commute traffic so hard to get out. I parked around the corner.

Wed May 29 2024

Sleep 2300 to 0400, 1400 to 1630. (7-1/2 hours)

  • Spent about 4 hours watching Sonic get Internet working in the office. They installed an ONT there when they wired our building but I don't think it was ever connected a cable to the splitter. They had to drill a hole in the floor because the other two holes are filled. Then the other problem is that the office was assigned to the far splitter which would have been another 100' or so but the tech got the central office to change it to the near splitter (now I wonder if they got the office and recreation room ONTs mixed up). Tech was really good about tying the new cable to the existing wiring so it's not hanging loose and looks professional.
  • Dinner at C3's. Cjr and I played an hour of Laser Kittens. Thai takeout for dinner.

Thu May 30 2024

Sleep 2345 to 0900 (9-1/4 hours)

  • Thinking about Coil WiFi installation. They will use conduit to protect the Ethernet cabling but the Comcast and Sonic cabling runs throughout the garage ceiling and it's not protected that way. So is that just an excuse to charge an extra $100 per 20' of cable run or does Ethernet cable need more protection?

Fri May 31 2024

Sleep 2330 to 0130, 0700 to 1100 (6 hours)

  • Borderlands 3. We got a couple hours doing side quests.