Kevin C. Wong

Diary - Jun 01 to Jun 07 2024

Sat Jun 01 2024

Sleep 0700 to 1230 (5-1/2 hours)

  • It's been over a week and still gives me "Account verification is Pending. Please try after some time." when I try to download Fusion Pro. Broadcom process is very slow. I give up.

Sun Jun 02 2024

Sleep 0530 to 1330, 30m nap (8-1/2 hours)

Mon Jun 03 2024

Sleep 0100 to 0200, 1030 to 1530 (6 hours)

  • Met with Coil guys and showed them around a bit. They're starting install today and it should three weeks.

Tue Jun 04 2024

Sleep 0000 to 0945 (9-3/4 hours)

  • Twitch raising US prices Jul 11. it'll be $6 instead of $5. Mobile app prices will increase at a future date. I guess I'll subscribe via mobile for a month or two if I can.

Wed Jun 05 2024

Sleep 0600 to 1000, 1530 to 1700 (5-1/2 hours)

Thu Jun 06 2024

Sleep 2230 to 0945 (11-1/4 hours)

  • Twitch added ability for mods to issue a private warning, which must then be acknowledged by the target. You also get user warning count just like for timeouts and bans.

Fri Jun 07 2024

Sleep 0700 to 1400 (7 hours)

  • Gloomhaven with DS playing on his work MBP. Usually he uses Riley's laptop but R needs it this weekend. Work MBP he can't use Bootcamp so no Windows games and can't use emulators so no CrossOver for DDO.