Kevin C. Wong

Diary - Aug 10 to Aug 16 2024

Sat Aug 10 2024

Sleep 0430 to 1300 (8-1/2 hours)

  • Dave S hinting that now that we did Borderlands 3 once through he wants to play Red Dead Redemption 2.

Sun Aug 11 2024

Sleep 0530 to 1330 (8 hours)

  • Right hand is starting to hurt a bit. If I at your hand palm down it's on the left side where the wrist bends. Probably an RSI from mousing too much. Will need to rest it.

Mon Aug 12 2024

Sleep 0445 to 1230 (7-3/4 hours)

  • Every time I see that Ooma charge I think about cancelling since I have an extra phone line with Sonic. Ooma has gone from $4.25 to $7 which are all the required fees and taxes, though like all utilities some of those fees and taxes go back to the utility.

Tue Aug 13 2024

Sleep 0130 to 1030 (9 hours)

  • Bought the Ultimate Doctor Who RPG Collection from Humble Bundle. Had more errors than usual but sadly not that rare for Humble Bundle.

Wed Aug 14 2024

Sleep 0800 to 1500 (7 hours)

  • Got renewal notice from AAA. I don't really use it except for roadside stuff and auto insurance covers that. Did have to call AAA to cancel my membership but it was an easy process.

Thu Aug 15 2024

Sleep 0200 to 1000 (8 hours)

  • Fooling around with Discord permissions. Server level permissions do not filter down to category or channel. If I add role to category with all defaults that just means role doesn't change those settings from lower level roles in that category whereas I was expecting it doesn't change settings from server level role
  • I did see that you can set permissions at the individual user level. Is that new?

Fri Aug 16 2024

Sleep 0730 to 1130, 1 hour nap (5 hours)

  • Dave S seems bored with Borderlands 3 so we played some DDO. At R3 we still die a lot.