Kevin C. Wong

The One Ring 2E Bundle

Bundle of Holding's The One Ring 2E Bundle is for Free League Publishing's RPG based on Tolkien but not specifically Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit. $19 gets you:

The One Ring 2E Core Rules (244 pages)

Character Lifepaths (10 pages)
Peoples of Wilderland (10 pages)

Loremaster's Screen and Rivendell Compendium (12 pages)
Strider Mode (28 pages) - solitaire play

Ruins of the Lost Realm (120 pages) - "This expansion for The One Ring™ RPG is a guide to the peoples inhabiting the Lone-lands of Southern Eriador, the places they dwell in, and the hopes they hold for their future in the twilight of the Third Age."

Tales from the Lone-lands (114 pages) - "…contains six adventures for The One Ring… All are set in the lone-lands of north-western Middle-earth around the year 1965 of the Third Age."

It's not a large product line yet this bundle doesn't include the last two books, published this year, Realms of the Three Rings (2024) and Moria: Through the Doors of Durin (2024).

Price is good though so very tempting.